
Buttery smooth HTML templates that randomly generate themselves on render.
5.4 KB minified—with no dependencies!


To make render times functionally instant, Dynamowaves intentionally eskews importing a library such as SVG.js to build a new SVG on execution.

Instead, it selects at random from a curated collection of potential <paths> and leverages HTML web components (sorry, IE) to allow it to easily grab its reference element's applied attributes and then fully replaces the reference with a slick lil' wave.

You can install Dynamowaves via npm or by including the script file directly in your project.

npm Installation

To install Dynamowaves via npm, run the following command:

          npm install dynamowaves

After installation, you can import Dynamowaves in your JavaScript or TypeScript files:

          import 'dynamowaves';

Angular Setup

To use Dynamowaves in an Angular project, follow these additional steps:

  1. In your angular.json file, add the dynamowaves script to the scripts array:
                  "scripts": [
  2. In your app.module.ts file, add CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA to the schemas array:
                  import { NgModule, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
      // ...
      export class AppModule { }

Script Installation

Alternatively, you can include the Dynamowaves script file directly in your project:

          <!-- Download and add to your project locally -->
            <script src="path/to/dynamowaves.js"></script>
            <!-- Or, reference the CDN -->
            <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/mzebley/dynamowaves/dist/dynamowaves.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


Since Dynamowaves use HTML templating syntax, all it takes to call one is to add the custom element to your HTML!

          <!-- Without any added attributes you get a top facing wave filled with the current color of its parent --> 

A dynamo-wave will inherit any class, id, or style applied to its invoking element.

          <!-- Example 1 -->
            <dynamo-wave style="fill:slateblue"></dynamo-wave>
          .fill-theme {
    fill: var(--theme);
          <!-- Example 2 -->
            <dynamo-wave class="fill-theme"></dynamo-wave>
          #special_wave {
    height: 3rem;
    transform: translateX(10%);
          <!-- Example 2 -->
            <dynamo-wave id="special_wave" class="fill-theme fill-light"></dynamo-wave>

Data Attributes

Dynamowaves come out of the box with a variety of data attributes that can be used to customize their appearance and behavior.

Points and Variance

A dynamowave will generate itself a new, randomized wave path each time it's rendered. This wave path is calculated using points, which determine the number of points that make up the wave path, and variance - the maximum amount each point can deviate from the wave's center.

Attribute Default Options


6 Any positive integer


3 Any positive integer
          <!-- Update the points and variance to change up your wave feel --> 
            <dynamo-wave data-wave-points="100" data-wave-variance="2"></dynamo-wave>

Wave Direction

Need more than a just a wave that faces up? Leverage the data-wave-face attribute.

Attribute Default Options


'top' 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'
          <!-- Bottom facing wave -->
            <dynamo-wave class="fill-theme" data-wave-face="bottom"></dynamo-wave>
              <!-- Left facing wave -->
                <dynamo-wave class="fill-theme" data-wave-face="left"></dynamo-wave>
                <!-- Right facing wave -->
                <dynamo-wave class="fill-theme" data-wave-face="right"></dynamo-wave>

Wave Animation

Want a dynamowave that you can just sit around and stare at? You might be interested in the data-wave-speed and data-wave-animate attributes.

Attribute Default Options


7500 Duration in milliseconds


false true, false

Accessibility Note: The data-wave-animate attribute will be ignored if the viewer's browser has reduced motion enabled.

          <!-- Animated wave -->
            <dynamo-wave class="fill-theme" data-wave-speed="5000" data-wave-animate="true"></dynamo-wave>

Wave Observation

Looking to really lean into generative design? The data-wave-observe attribute adds an intelligent IntersectionObserver to your dynamowave, enabling dynamic wave regeneration.

Attribute Default Options


  • once Generates a wave when leaving viewport, then stops
  • repeat Continuously regenerates waves when leaving viewport
  • once:300px Adds custom root margin
  • repeat:100px Combines mode with custom margin

Margin Configuration: The optional pixel value after a colon adjusts the viewport intersection threshold. Use positive margins to start regeneration earlier, or negative margins to delay wave regeneration until the element is further from the viewport.

          <!-- One-time wave regeneration -->
      <dynamo-wave class="fill-theme" data-wave-observe="once"></dynamo-wave>
      <!-- Continuous wave regeneration -->
      <dynamo-wave class="fill-theme" data-wave-observe="repeat"></dynamo-wave>
      <!-- Wave regenerates with 100px expanded viewport -->
      <dynamo-wave class="fill-theme" data-wave-observe="repeat:100px"></dynamo-wave>
      <!-- Wave regenerates with 50px contracted viewport -->
      <dynamo-wave class="fill-theme" data-wave-observe="once:-50px"></dynamo-wave>

Available Functions

Dynamowaves come with a few functions that can be called to manipulate the wave after it's been rendered.


Want to see a new wave? Call generateNewWave(duration) on the dynamowave you'd like to regenerate. The duration parameter is an optional integer that determines how quickly the old wave morphs into the new wave - default is 800(ms).

          const wave = document.querySelector('dynamo-wave');


Call play(duration) on any dynamowave that you'd like to animate. The duration parameter is an optional integer that determines the length of the animation loop - default is 7500(ms).


To stop the animation loop, call pause() on the dynamowave you'd like to stop.

          const wave = document.querySelector('dynamo-wave');

function toggleWaveAnimation() { 
  if (wave.isAnimating) {
  } else {

Practical Application

Dynamowaves come out of the box entirely style agnostic. The onus is on the developer to add the necessary attributes to get them to fit their intended platform, but at the same time this provides nearly endless possibilities for customization.

Make use of position:sticky and create a neat little header!

<!-- Widget classes not, uh, provided out-of-the-box -->
  <div class="widget">
    <div class="header">
      <h2>I'm the heading!</h2>
      <dynamo-wave data-wave-face="bottom"></dynamo-wave>
    <div class="content">...</div>

I'm the heading!

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Use an animated dynamowave to add some more pizzazz to transition effects.

Content 1
Content 2
Content 3
Content 4

Slap one of these bad boys along the edge of a photo to create an always fresh, mask-image effect without having to actually create multiple clip paths or image masks!

<div class="widget horizontal">
    <div class="image-wrapper">
      <img src="./img/image_path.jpeg" />
      <!-- When covering an image, I find it helps the browser render 
      to set the far edge with a bit of a negative overlap
      It keeps the image from peeking through from behind the wave -->
      <dynamo-wave data-wave-face="left" style="fill:white;position:absolute;right:-1px"></dynamo-wave>
    <div class="content">...</div>

Eye-catching headline.

Further information to draw interest.

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